Degree Days Calculator
You can use this tool to quickly, efficiently and accurately fetch detailed degree day data for a given postcode during a specific time period. The degree day data will be presented in both a table and a graph that can be downloaded and saved.
Degree Day Calculator Help
What is it?
The degree day calculator is a compact system designed to provide accurate degree data for a given postcode in a given time period through a web interface. The system visualises the degree day data in a dynamic chart as well as a table that can be exported as a CSV.
How do I use it?
To use the system you will require a postcode, base temperature and a date range. We provide an intuitive date-range picker that allows you to select a range from the 1st of January 2015 to yesterday to request data for.
What type of degree data do I get?
The system displays heating degree days by default, however, cooling degree day values are included in the summary table and can also be toggled in the chart's legend
How accurate is your data?
It's unfortunately impossible to calculate degree days with 100% accuracy without weather data for every millisecond of the day for your exact location!
Our degree days are calculated using hourly temperatures supplied from various external sources. In most cases, this weather data should be highly accurate and taken from the closest weather station to your postal district, and we feel hourly data gives us the best combination of speed and accuracy.
Just please be aware that in some limited cases, we can be supplied occasional inaccurate weather readings that may slightly affect the accuracy of your result.
Known Issues
This section contains a list of known issues that may occur and how to fix them
1. Why can't I export my data?
The system will not be able to export the values of the overview table if you have not specified a name for the exported file in the text box beneath the export button. If the file name text box is blank you should receive an alert that states "The exported file name entered is invalid". Type the desired file name into the box and click export again and the download should be successful.
2. Why does an alert say that my base temperature is invalid?
The system will not process a base temperature that is not a number or empty. To fix this, ensure that the value entered in the text box for the base temperature contains a valid number and try again.
3. Why does an alert say that it couldn't get data for my postcode
The system will not process an invalid postcode or a postcode outwith of the United Kingdom. If an invalid postcode is entered, "Failed to retrieve degree day data for given postcode" is displayed. To fix this, check that the postcode entered is a valid UK postcode and try again
This section contains short video tutorials that show how to perform the basic functions of the calculator
1. Submit Request
2. Viewing Summary
3. Zooming Chart
4. Toggle Cooling
5. Viewing a Day
6. Calculation Summary
7. Exporting
Calculation Summary
The below chart shows how the cooling degree day values for the selected day have been calculated. The outside air temperature line shows the outside air temperature value of the chosen postcode at each hour interval. If this value is greater than the cooling base temperature, this results in a positive cooling degree day.
The below chart shows how the heating degree day values for the selected day have been calculated. The outside air temperature line shows the outside air temperature value of the chosen postcode at each hour interval. If this value is less than the heating base temperature, this results in a positive heating degree day.
Time | Value |